5025 Submersion Injuries (BLS)
A data-driven approach to understanding water risks by age with an in-depth discussion on assessment and management of submersion injuries.
5014 Heat Emergencies (ALS)
A fresh and detailed discussion about one of the most common environmental injuries medics respond to.
5024 Spinal Injuries: Lumbar (BLS)
A detailed summary of spinal injuries, including clinical assessment of patients with suspected spine trauma and inclusion criteria for common spine trauma interventions.
5023 Spinal Cord Injuries: Cervical (BLS)
A thorough review of high-stakes cervical spine anatomy, injury, assessment, and management.
5022 Blunt Abdominal Trauma (BLS)
A deeper look at the mechanisms, anatomy, and risk factors that impact the assessment and management of blunt abdominal trauma.
5021 Blunt Chest Trauma (BLS)
An in-depth look at the mechanisms and risk factors of blunt chest trauma.