2008 Capnography and Pulse Oximetry (ALS)
5.0 average rating (2 reviews)A review of pulse oximetry and capnography as invaluable tools in monitoring, identifying and treating many disease processes.
2006 Airway Assessment and Management Unit 1 (ALS)
A discussion of vital airway assessment techniques, airway adjuncts, and non-invasive airway management strategies.
2007 Airway Assessment and Management Unit 2 (ALS)
A discussion of critical invasive airway maneuvers (intubation and surgical airway) to secure the airway of your critically ill patients.
2004 Non-Respiratory Causes of Dyspnea (ALS)
Discussing the often-overlooked causes of dyspnea that can result in an airway emergency.
2005 Respiratory Pharmacology (ALS)
A review of medications used to treat life-threatening respiratory emergencies, harnessing an understanding of the ANS to understand common respiratory drugs.
2003 Respiratory Pathophysiology Unit 2 (ALS)
A review of common life-threatening respiratory emergencies and how to treat them: Part 2.