5003 Blunt Head Trauma (ALS)
The mechanisms of blunt head trauma and how patients present.
4006 Cardiac Arrest Unit 1 (ALS)
This course covers the risk factors, epidemiology, and pathophysiology of cardiac arrest.
4007 Cardiac Arrest Unit 2 (ALS)
Discussion and demonstration of the management of cardiac arrest with a humorous look at the “wrong way” and a look at the right way to treat these critically ill patients.
4008 Heart Failure (ALS)
A discussion of the pathophysiology of heart failure to better understand how to assess and treat this very sick patient population.
5001 Intro to Trauma (ALS)
A discussion of the trauma patient with a focus on the recognition of potentially life-threatening injuries.
5002 Traumatic Arrest (ALS)
This course covers how cardiac arrest caused by a traumatic mechanism is different than cardiac arrest from a medical cause.