4300 Renal Emergencies Unit I (ALS)
A concise and relevant overview of one of the body’s most complex organ systems.
4301 Renal Emergencies Unit II (ALS)
A deeper dive into the metabolically active kidney and how it affects acid-base balance.
1501 Skeletal System (ALS)
A quality overview of the skeletal system with basic but key concepts for patient care.
5028 Envenomations (ALS)
A breakdown of the presentation and management of envenomation injuries. Dr Axene and Matt visit a rattlesnake pit for some hands-on experience.
7015 Pediatric Seizures (BLS)
A focus on the fundamentals of assessment and management of pediatric seizures.
7007 Pediatric Allergic Emergencies (BLS)
Allergic emergencies are on the rise, and pediatric lung physiology makes children uniquely vulnerable. This lecture breaks down what allergies are and how they affect the body, focusing on some serious allergic conditions in pediatric populations.